Buzzsprout review

Buzzsprout Review


Buzzsprout is a podcast hosting service that has been around since 2009. It offers you many features to help create and market your buzzsprout podcast, including a free plan. You can sign up for Buzzsprout in just 5 minutes or less!

What Is Buzzsprout?

Buzzsprout is a podcast hosting service that offers you the chance to store your content library. They are specifically targeting first-timers, but they’re also open to those who want to switch providers. Buzzsprout has other features that make it ideal for podcasting. It may not be the only company in this industry, but it’s one of its biggest names and comes highly recommended by experienced podcasters.

Buzzsprout Features

Podcast Directory Submissions

Podcast Buzzsprout integrates with many popular directories, such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify. This is an advantage for people who want to grow their reach in the podcast industry. Buzzsprout makes it easy to connect your show up with various platforms by simply clicking on “Directories,” then selecting whichever directory you want, and submitting that platform’s URL in their system. They also provide tools for making transcripts available through search engines or speed readers which is perfect because they meet everyone’s accessibility needs!

Podcast Monetization Tools

Buzzsprout provides an affiliate marketing database for those who are looking to monetize their podcasts and generate passive income. You can find partner programs under the Resources tab in your account. There are no criteria for who can use this marketplace, as every podcaster with a podcast of any volume or size has access to it! The best part about affiliates is that, unlike other services, there are no commissions taken from your earnings if you have sponsors outside of the Buzzsprout marketplace – listeners will mention them in episode descriptions! You might also want to inform listeners that they can donate directly on their own through services like Patreon or PayPal

Website Integration With Embed Player

If you’re looking to start a blog, you might wonder if you can add your podcast to it. You can with Buzzsprout- just follow these few steps and embed the player on your website!

The platform offers two options:

Single episode player: That’s helpful if you’re creating a blog post for each episode of your buzzsprout podcast.        

Multi-episode player: With a website, you can create an area specifically for your podcast where visitors can listen to every episode directly on your website.  

Buzzsprout generates a code snippet that you can simply add to your website. They also have a plugin that automatically converts podcasts to MP3 files, which is included with every plan.

When embedding episodes on your site, you are able to customize colours and artwork for each episode as well as share options and episode details in order to make it a more personalized experience for visitors of your website.

Advanced Podcast Statistics

Data is important if you want to run your podcast like a business. The more detailed data the better! Buzzsprout provides clear reporting metrics that show a snapshot of the total number of downloads and average listeners per episode. Stats can be sorted into 7-day, 30-day, or 90 year periods as well as insight into the type which devices that are being used by their audience and where on earth they are listening from!

API Integrations

Buzzsprout also has an API, which 3rd party software applications can use to integrate with your podcast. Alitu and Hindenburg Journalist are two of the many partners that have integrated with Buzzsprout. And if you’re a tech-savvy person, don’t worry because it uses RESTful concepts as well as JSON serialization! The full documentation on the Buzzsprout API is available on GitHub.

Who is Buzzsprout For?

Buzzsprout’s intention is not to serve all levels of podcasters but if you ask me, it will be more attractive for newbies. The user interface has been designed in such a way that novice users find the software simple enough without being cluttered with unnecessary additions. 

Many people who are newcomers to podcasting might find jargon like RSS feed management and ID3 tags confusing, which many other platforms offer as well- this commonality often intimidates them away from using Buzzsprout for their service needs.

Buzzsprout Pricing


Hours2 hours3 hours6 hours12hours
FeatureEpisode Hosted for 90-day Episode Hosted IndefinitelyEpisoade hosted more IndefinitelyEpisode hosted Indefinitely
Limited to 2 hours each monthUpload More content for( $4 per hourUpload more content for ($3 per hour)Upload more content for ( $ 2 per hour)


  • Free basic plan
  • Wide range of podcast directories
  • Affiliate marketplace
  • Episode hosting and transcription 
  • API integrations


  • The basic plan expires in 3 months. 
  • With a complex pricing structure 
Buzzsprout Review

Buzzprout Review: Final Thought

Buzzsprout is a great option for new-to-podcasting podcasters who just want an easy way to get their feet through the door. It’s fairly accessible and does well in finding your first listeners, getting your channel discovered, and gaining insight on how you’re doing with valuable listener data – all while making some extra cash on the side.